Wednesday, May 27, 2009


well we HAD to leave the LIFE is Good Conference, they made us! We didn't want to. It is so nice to be surrounded by people who "get it". Really get it. There were friends who we've known through yahoo groups from all over the place, TN, OR, CA, WA, WY, MT, IA, CO, & Canada, get this one of the family's live in the same co-housing as my cousin! The boys had an awesome time and Jake's new best friend is from Hawaii!!! Cyrus is his name, he and Jake were inseparable the duration of the conference. Josh made a great friend named Seth and they skateboarded almost the entire time, Seth showed Josh new tricks and Josh experimented all of them and "ate it" (his words) many times! We ate at this wonderful burger place called "Burgerville", bought more things we really don't need at a store called Fred Mayer's which had awesome prices. When we left Mon after the last good-bye picnic we drove about 4 hrs to Kennewick, WA and stayed the night with one of the family who were at the LiG conference.....the fun continued! Then yesterday we left and are staying at a beautiful state park in OR (again) for a couple nights before we can arrive at Kathy's --my best friend from high school, then we are continuing over to Yellowstone where she'll take us to all the known places to see there. We are also meeting up with the IA family in Yellowstone on their way home who were at LiG too. Then, well we'll let you know more when we do it. My tires are being replaced as I'm getting laundry done in Payette, ID which was the cheapest rate I got for all 4 tires, $ 430!! Then our shoes will be ready for another 50,000 miles of walking! :)


  1. When are you planning on passing through Yellowstone? We'll be in Billings Saturday!

  2. Glad you have your blog, so we can keep up with you. I got ours updated today (can you say: long overdue???) Anyway, got a couple of pics of you there... more pics of you and the boys to come... perhaps we'll put up some of the boys pics on Ian's blog? Have fun!! Miss ya!! HUGS XX
